Restorative Justice Program

Voices Against Violence began their formal Restorative Justice Program (VAV-RJP) in 2013 and has a long record of success with this program, as well as others.  Rather than a punitive approach, VAV-RJP provides a holistic intervention method for youth.  Organizations throughout Pittsburgh and in other states have adopted their effective approach. 

The Voices Against Violence Restorative Justice Program has three main program components:

Street Outreach

To connect with additional at-risk youth in the South Pittsburgh region to identify needs, provide services, mitigate violent interactions before they happen, and build relationships.  Street Outreach involves prevention, mediation, and de-escalation tactics for youth, including those who are not currently attending our group sessions.  

As the eyes and ears of youth conflicts and street violence in the Hilltop, Richard Carrington, Sr. and his staff identify at-risk youth, and makes attempts to engage and redirect them.  Additionally, they form relationships with the highest risk youth to meet with them and assist in mediating situations and preventing retaliation.  Getting youth off of the streets is a priority of the street outreach component and involves either facilitating employment or encouraging returning to school, either high school, a GED program, post-secondary training program, or college.  

Examples of the Street Outreach include:

  • Conduct Conflict Mediations (includes street-level intervention and home visits) to mitigate disagreements and prevent violence.

  • Provide resources to families/loved ones in the community who lost someone to violence.

  • Attend vigils, viewings, and funerals for all South Pittsburgh victims of violence in order to not only support loved ones but also to prevent possible retaliations, as well as disagreements sparked by emotional trauma.

  • Assist those who were formerly incarcerated or attending substance abuse programs with finding places to live, employment, furniture (like beds/mattresses), and food during their transition.

    Please note this is not an exhaustive list of the work done by Voices Against Violence.

Holistic Group Sessions

To provide an increasing number of youth ages 12 – 24 with the healing circles, honest discourse, viable strategies, and opportunities to participate in community projects and group activities in order to assist them in developing critical thinking skills and a process to analyze options and make positive life choices.

Strategies for these sessions include individual mentoring, healing circles with critical conversations on timely topics, shared meals, as well as journal writing, and community service projects.

  • Workforce and Life Skills - Teaching youth critical thinking, communication, and interpersonal relation skills, which helps them to recognize conflict and remove themselves from trouble.  

  • Connecting participants and their families with needed community resources.

  • Providing Incentives to encourage youth as they make progress toward their goals and take on responsibilities within the program. 

  • Encouraging the involvement of parents, guardians, schools, and community.

Community Level Consultations, Advocacy, and Advice

To be an outstanding resource for the South Pittsburgh neighborhoods and throughout the Pittsburgh region.  With more than 30 years of experience in programs in Community Outreach, Community Violence Intervention and Disruption, Street Mediation, Conflict Resolution, Restorative Justice Practices, Voices Against Violence continues to form collaborations with other groups and organizations, advocates for equity and justice for the people they serve, as well as strives to improve its practices and programs for area youth and the community.  

Richard Carrington, Sr., Executive Director of Voices Against Violence, is often called upon to provide community and state level consultations and to serve as an expert, advocate, and advisor.  He regularly participates in community initiatives to reduce gun violence such as Ceasefire and Group Violence Intervention (GVI) meetings.  Because of his extensive experience and strong ties to the community, Mr. Carrington, Sr. is frequently invited to meet with officials from the City of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Police.  

The three components of the Voices Against Violence Restorative Justice Program create a holistic approach to mitigating gun violence and youth conflict in the Hilltop communities and throughout the city.